What's Happening

Concrete for the Livery
The concrete has been poured for the Livery and Bunkhouse!

We are so excited to have the concrete poured for our first cottage. It will be called the “Livery” and the area upstairs will be the “Bunk House” which is where guest will stay when they come. While we are building, the livery will be a work area, but that will be converted when we are finished building into a event room.

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Rustic Trails
The Livery Foundation is Ready to Pour!

The Foundation is ready to pour the cement for the Livery and the Bunkhouse! The concrete has been poured for the Livery and Bunkhouse! Yesterday the guys finished preparing the Livery foundation and next week they will pour the cement.  There is a lot of work ahead, but the foundation is one of the most important parts of building.

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Rustic Trails Livery Foundation
The Foundation is Being Laid!

The Foundation is Being Laid! We are excited to share that the foundation is being laid for our first bed and breakfast, The Livery.  The Livery will be designed to look like an old western livery with a bunk house on the back side of it.  The barn in front will eventually be used for a variety of events including but not limited to weddings, birthday parties, repurposing classes, and more.  Check back when we have more to show!

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