Scrabble Game Directions

Scrabble Game Rules:


The main objective of Scrabble is to score more points than your opponents by creating valid words on the game board.


  • Game Components:
    • Scrabble game board
    • 100 letter tiles (each with a point value)
    • Letter rack for each player
    • Cotton tile bag
  • Initial Setup:
    • Each player draws one tile from the tile bag. The player with the letter closest to “A” goes first. Return the tiles to the bag and mix them.
    • Each player then draws seven tiles from the bag to start the game.


  • Turn Sequence:
    • Players take turns in a clockwise direction.
    • On a player’s turn, they can do the following:
      • Play a Word: Place one or more tiles on the board to form a valid word either horizontally or vertically. The word must connect to an existing word on the board.
      • Exchange Tiles: Exchange some or all of their tiles for new ones from the bag. This ends their turn.
      • Pass: If a player cannot or chooses not to play a word or exchange tiles, they can pass their turn.
  • Scoring:
    • Points are scored based on the letters used and any premium squares covered by the word.
    • Premium squares:
      • Double Letter Score (DL): Doubles the value of the letter placed on it.
      • Triple Letter Score (TL): Triples the value of the letter placed on it.
      • Double Word Score (DW): Doubles the value of the entire word.
      • Triple Word Score (TW): Triples the value of the entire word.
      • Challenging Words:
        • If a player challenges a word, consult the dictionary. If the word is valid, the challenger loses their turn. If the word is invalid, the player who played the word loses their turn.
      • Replenishing Tiles:
          • After playing a word, players draw tiles from the bag to maintain a rack of seven tiles.
      • End of the Game:
          • The game ends when all letters have been drawn from the tile bag, and one player has used all their tiles, or when no players can make a valid move.
          • Calculate the scores by subtracting the value of unplayed tiles from each player’s total. The player with the highest score wins.

A standard Scrabble set contains 100 letter tiles. Each tile is imprinted with a letter of the alphabet, along with its assigned point value. The distribution of letters is based on the frequency of each letter in the English language, and players draw these tiles from a bag during the game to form words on the Scrabble board. Here is the breakdown of the letter distribution in a standard Scrabble set:

These rules provide a basic overview of how to play Scrabble. Feel free to refer to the official Scrabble rulebook for more detailed and specific guidelines or check out

  • A: 9 tiles
  • B: 2 tiles
  • C: 2 tiles
  • D: 4 tiles
  • E: 12 tiles
  • F: 2 tiles
  • G: 3 tiles
  • H: 2 tiles
  • I: 9 tiles
  • J: 1 tile
  • K: 1 tile
  • L: 4 tiles
  • M: 2 tiles
  • N: 6 tiles
  • O: 8 tiles
  • P: 2 tiles
  • Q: 1 tile
  • R: 6 tiles
  • S: 4 tiles
  • T: 6 tiles
  • U: 4 tiles
  • V: 2 tiles
  • W: 2 tiles
  • X: 1 tile
  • Y: 2 tiles
  • Z: 1 tile