Below is a fun butterfly chart you can use to help create your nature butterfly.  This was shared by the Butterfly Lady.

An animated chart of 42 North American butterflies

This beautiful animated butterfly chart displays 42 North American butterflies.

If you are interested in  a poster to hang on your wall, check it out.  

Some butterfly examples to check out:

Talk a walk in nature and create a butterfly from what you find.

Lesson Plan: Creating a Butterfly from Things Found in Nature


Students will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly and use materials found in nature, such as pine cones and twigs, to create their own butterfly.


Pine cones
Construction paper (or other strong paper)


Start by talking about butterflies and their life cycle. Ask the students what they know about butterflies and their characteristics. Show pictures of different types of butterflies and talk about the different colors and patterns. Explain that butterflies start out as eggs, then turn into caterpillars, form a cocoon, and eventually emerge as a butterfly.


  1. Collect things from nature such as pine cones, flowers, leaves,  twigs, etc. from the woods.

  2. Have the students each pick a few items to use as the butterfly’s body and wings.

  3. Provide glue and construction paper. Encourage students to use their creativity to decorate the wings  natural materials such as leaves or flowers.

  4. Show the students how to glue the twigs to the paper to make the butterfly’s body.

  5. Assist the students in shaping the butterfly onto the paper.  They can use twigs as a guide.

  6. Have the students glue the wings onto the body.

  7. Optional: Have students draw on antennae and other details with markers or add additional natural materials as decoration.


Gather the students together and have them show off their butterflies. Ask each student to talk about the materials they used to create their butterfly and encourage them to explain what they learned about butterflies during the activity. As an extension, consider having the students research more about butterflies and their life cycle, and create a classroom display showcasing their findings and the butterflies they made.

Directions for students:

Directions for Creating a Butterfly from Things Found in Nature:

  1. Go on a nature walk and collect pine cones, flowers, vines, leaves, twigs, etc.

  2. Choose a few items to use as the butterfly’s body and wings. 

  3. Use glue to attach the the twig for the body to the paper to make the butterfly’s body.

  4. Using the guide, add other items found in nature to shape the butterfly.

  5. Decorate the wings with other natural materials, such as leaves or flowers.

  6. Glue the wings onto the body.

  7. Add additional natural materials as decoration.

  8. Show off your butterfly and tell others about the materials you used and what you learned about butterflies during the activity.

Remember to always be careful when using scissors and glue, and to ask for help if needed. Have fun and use your creativity to make your butterfly unique!

Below are some of the items we feel will help with the above activity.

We have tried to locate items that are priced well as well as quality for the dollar value.  Please note many of the below are affiliate links and I will receive compensation for some of the items below.  By using affiliate links, we can keep the cost of our products down and share the savings with you.  
